Special performance
"la danza del desierto" is Spanish for "The Dance of The Desert".
It is the opening movement of a larger work consisting of four parts composed entitled "The Arizona Suite" by Kevin Julien. It was written for "Piano Fusion"an Arizona based group incubated as an “Emerging Artist Group”, supported and incubated ten years ago at SNAP. They now perform regularly at the MIM, founded and led by virtuoso Pianist Diana Cobb. Originally conceived for 4 hands on 1 piano it needed to be rearranged for orchestra due to the challenges of social distancing arising from the Covid-19 Pandemic. The spectacular music video was filmed on location in Arizona with choreography by Bridgette Maria that includes Tango Argentino, Pasodoble, Flamenco and Waltz.
Visit https://www.carolare.com/
Visit https://www.instagram.com/bridgette.maria/
Visit https://www.rioranchoverde.com/
Visit https://pianofusion.com/index.html
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SNAP would like to thank
Coalition of Greater Scottsdale
The 2020 City of Scottsdale Arts and Culture Covid-19 Relief Grant funding
Additional Funding provided through the Arizona Commission on the Arts.
The 2020 Federal CARES Act Funds provided relief to state arts organizations and gratefully also to SNAP.
Thanks for supporting SNAP.